Monday, March 1, 2010

The Help by Katherine Stockett

I finished The Help by Kathrine Stockett over the Christmas break. It was recommended to me and I loved it. I was captivated by the characters and could feel myself drawn into the drama of certain situations. I really enjoyed it and think I might have to read another novel by this author.


  1. LOVED The Help! I finished it on a plane and was totally crying (and desperately trying to keep that to myself, lest I be dubbed 'Overly Emotional in seat 1A!). I've been recommending it to everyone I can possibly think of...

  2. I've been passing this around my friends too. One of them gave it "child neglect level = very high" meaning she turned on extra videos for the kids so she could keep reading. She gave it back to me within 3 days!
